Volume 15 – 2024

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Table of contents: Volume 15, Special Issue, 2024

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si

About this Special IssueGuest editor: Prof. Sc.D. habil. Yulia IVASHKO

O. Kozakova, I.L. Kravchenko, M. Sulayman, D. Kuśnierz-Krupa, S. Wang, M. Abdulgani Mustafa, M. Lisińska-Kuśnierz, L. Bednarz, M. Budziakowski
The Role of Photographic Documentation in the Process of Conservation of Destroyed Architectural Monuments and Centres of Historic Cities

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.01 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 3-16

Y. Ivashko, A. Dmytrenko, A. Pawłowska, M. Lisińska-Kuśnierz, M. Krupa, P. Tišliar, A. Hlushchenko, A. Serafin, A. Shpakov
Destruction of the Architectural Heritage as a Result of War: The Experience of Reconstruction (Conservation and Logistical Aspects)

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.02 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 17-30

Y. Ivashko, A. Dmytrenko, S. Belinskyi, M. Pabich, D. Kuśnierz–Krupa, J. Kobylarczyk, L. Bednarz, H. Kuzmina, N. Kovtiukh
The Influence of Colonial Policy on the Destruction of National Cultural Identity and Ways of Overcoming its Consequences

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.03 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 31-42

O. Kovalchuk, V. Zozulynets, A. Tomczak, R. Warsza, O. Ruvin, V. Grabovchak
Mix Design of Acid Resistant Alkali Activated Materials for Reconstruction of the Building Constructions Damaged by the War

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.04 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 43-52

G. Krasnianskyi, V. Glyva, N. Burdeina, Y. Biruk, L. Levchenko, O. Tykhenko
Methodology For Designing Facing Building Materials with Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding Functions

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.05 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 53-62

G. Kochetov, V. Glyva, V. Malyshev, V. Gots, D. Samchenko, O. Lastivka
Application of Innovative Electromagnetic Screens for Reconstruction and Restoration of Buildings

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.06 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 63-72

V. Yatsenko, H. Osychenko, O. Tyshkevych, V. Toporkov
Adaptive Reuse of Historic Rural School Buildings in Ukraine in the Poltava Region

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.07 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 73-88

O. Molodid, R. Plokhuta, O. Molodid, M. Początko, K. Janicka-Świergula, V. Skochko, Y. Novak
Research of the Component Composition of Drying Renovation Brick Crumb Plaster for Restoration of Architectural Monuments

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.08 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 89-102

Н. Shpakova, A. Shpakov, W. Kripak, V. Koliakova
Structural and Technological Aspects of Conservation of Street Art on Buildings Damaged During the War

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.09 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 103-118

Y. Karpinskyi, N. Lazorenko, D. Kin, Y. Maksymova, O. Nesterenko, H. Zhao, J. Borowczyk
Geoinformation Support of the Decision-Making Support System for the Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage Objects

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.10 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 119-128

T. Tkachenko, V. Mileikovskyi, A. Ujma, M. Hajiyev
Treatment of Out-of-Context Buildings During the Restoration of Historical Territories Using Green Structures

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.11 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 129-140

V. Yatsenko, H. Osychenko, I. Dreval, O. Tyshkevych
Preservation of the Urban Historical Landscape as a Response to the Challenges of War

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.12 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 141-156

K. Pushkarova, M. Kochevykh, O. Нonchar, D. Hadaichuk
Features of Hardening and Utilization of Modern Cement Compositions with Nanomodifying Additives For Repair And Restoration Works

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.13 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 157-168

S. Buravchenko, P. Bigaj, K. Wysznacki, P. Sztabińska-Kałowska
Methods of Regeneration of Damaged Historical Buildings

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.14 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 169-184

A. Markovskyi, O. Lagutenko
Restoration, Revitalization or Liquidation: Strategies of Attitude to Cultural Heritage

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.15 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 185-194

O. Dedov, M. Vabishchevych, O. Skoruk, G. Twardowski
Study of the Effects of Natural And Man-Made Origin On the Technical Condition of Architectural Monuments

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.16 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 195-204

O. Molodid, V. Skochko, R. Plokhuta, O. Molodid, I. Musiiaka, S. Benderskyi, S. Bogdan
Modern Restoration Methods For Damaged Historical Buildings As A Result of Military Aggression. Case of Educational Institutions

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.17 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 205-220

S. Zosim, V.A. Nikolaienko, V.V. Nikolaienko
Preservation of National Traditions of Ukrainian Architecture During the Reconstruction of Destroyed Cities and Villages In the Post-War Period

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.18 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 221-234

N. Mezhenna, S. Zymina, G. Ushakov, T. Rusevich
Variability of Decisions for Reconstruction and new Development of Public Buildings in Cities of Ukraine Damaged by Military Actions. City of Kremenchuk

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.19 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 235-252

T. Ladan, L. Bachynska, B. Erofalov, O. Sleptsov, S. Trofymchuk, M. Adamenko
Universal Methods of Architectural and Urban Reconstruction, Restoration, And New Construction Using the Examples of Objects In Ukraine

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.20 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 253-276

A. Nadolny, K. Słuchocka
Post-WWII Ruins on Photography: An Introduction to the Reconstruction of the City of Poznań. Case Study Old Town

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.21 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 277-290

D. Chernyshev, Y. Ivashko, A. Mamedov, A. Dmytrenko, O. Ivashko, M. Krupa, D. Kuśnierz–Krupa, J. Kobylarczyk
Preservation of the Historical Kadetskyi Hai Ecosystem During A Military Threat Using Polish Experience

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.22 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 291-304

O. Gorbyk, G. Shevtsova, T. Kashchenko, V. Starchuk, O. Yezhova, Y. Starchuk
Kyiv St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church: Problems of Restoration And Post-War Renovation of A Unique Monument of the Neo-Gothic Style

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.23 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 305-320

Y. Ivashko, U. Shcheviova, L. Zolotar, O. Ivashko, A. Dmytrenko, A. Urakina, M. Początko, S. Rubtsova
Peculiarities of the “Provincial Secession” Style Development in Ukraine At the Beginning of the 20th Century and Modern Problems of Its Monuments Preservation In War Time

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.24 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 321-334

M. Orlenko, Y. Ivashko, D. Kuśnierz-Krupa, I. Buzin, A. Dmytrenko, J. Magiera
Issues and Methods of Restoration of Kyivan Rus Period Foundation Masonry

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.25 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 335-348

S. Wang, I. Sandu, K. Paprzyca, O. Ivashko, O. Kravchuk, T. Yevdokimova
Genesis of the Planning Structure And Ceilings of Dunhuang Sanctuaries

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.26 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 349-370

I. Sandu, S. Wang, B. Boros, Y. Ivashko, A.V. Sandu, P. Tišliar
Analysis of the Wall Painting of the Dunhuang Fresco as a Basis for Its Preservation and Restoration

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.si.27 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 371-388

Publication date: February 28, 2024

Table of contents: Volume 15, Issue 1, 2024

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01

A.M. Abdelmoniem, N. Mahmoud, S. Mohamed, M.A. Abdel-Fatah, W.S. Mohamed, A.M. Omar, N. Waly, R. Hamdy
Conservation of a Painted Wooden Coffin at Dahshur Archaeological Area

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.01 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 391-402

K. Dadmohamadi
DFacilitating the Application of Starch Paste in the Conservation of Paper Artworks

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.02 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 403-414

M. Nassar, N. Turshan, M. Asfour
Scientific Assessment of the Mosaics Decoration at Qastal Palace

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.03 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 415-428

A. Legendziewicz, A. Marcinów, K. Polak
Research and Conservation Issues Regarding the Southern Facade of Wroclaw Town Hall. A Case study

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.04 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 429-448

H.M. Mohhamed, Z.A.R. Khamis
Diagnosis of the Deterioration and Conservation of Bes Pottery Jar from the Tomb of Petah Umm Uya in Saqqara

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.05 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 449-460

A.E.M. Elzubair, E.H.E. Yasin, D.A.M. Dafa Alla, E. Sanjak
Assessment of the Role of Gum Arabic Producers’ Associations (Gapas) in Rehabilitation of Gum Arabic Belt: Case of North and West Kordofan States, Sudan

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.06 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 461-478

C. Takva, E. Ozkan Yazgan
A Bibliometric Analysis of the Concepts and Methods Used in the Adaptive Reuse

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.07 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 479-496

S.M. Ahmed
Preliminary Conservation Treatment and Reconstruction of Pottery Artifacts Excavated from Terrestrial and Marine Environments, Leptis, Libya

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.08 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 497-514

M. Waheeb, O. Hassan, N. Mohamed, G. Ahmed, M. Kamal, M. Milad, M. George, M. Ali
Removal of Pressure Sensitive Tapes from Vintage Silver Gelatin Prints Using Selected Gel-Based Systems: An Experimental Study

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.09 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 515-526

C. Florean, H. Vermesan, T. Gabor, B.V. Neamțu, G. Thalmayer, O. Corbu, A.V. Lazarescu, A. Hegyi, A. Csapai
Possibilities for Conserving Natural Resources and the Environment Through the use of Recycled Waste Aggregates as a Substitute for Natural Aggregates in Cementitious Composites

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.10 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 527-546

B. Krzanowski, S. Kułaga, I. Basista, Ł. Borowski, K. Maciuk
GIS Tools in the Conservation and Sustainable Development National Parks, Forests and Rural Areas

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.11 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 547-560

A.S. Sandu
The Preservation of Traditional Wind Instruments. The Romanian Alphorn

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.12 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 561-576

K. Naili, K. Dahmani
The Importance of Social Sustainability for Conserving Cultural Heritage in Southern Algeria: A Case Study of the M’zab Valley

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.13 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 577-586

C.G. Lazareanu, V. Leontie
The Memory of Iasi Monuments Restored After 1989: Elements of Urban Sociology and Restoration

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.14 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 587-596

Y.W. Wiryawan
Implementation of Balinese Tri Hita Karana Concept for Environmental Conservation of Cultural Heritage of Land Consolidation Arrangements

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.15 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 597-614

G.R.D. Silva, M.G.F.M. Medeiros, V.O. Lunardi, D.G. Lunardi
Nursery Area for the Threatened Guiana Dolphin, Sotalia Guianensis, on the Northeast Coast of Brazil

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.16 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 615-626

I. Lestari, H. Herdiansyah, Nuraeni
Water Governance: Urban Water Conservation as a Response to Climate Change

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.17 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 627-644

R. Carrara
Revisiting Global Endemism Patterns of Terrestrial Vertebrates and their Environmental Predictors: Putting the Focus on Species Range-Restrictions at Fine Spatial Grains

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.18 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 645-656

S. Jumiyati, E. Frimawaty
Application of Edu-Agrotourism and Agroforestry: Patterns of Land Use on Conservation in the Buffer Area

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.19 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 657-672

N.L. Rahim, M.F.I. Sulaiman, A.N. Kamarudzaman, N. Mohamad Ibrahim, R. Che Amat, S.A. Mohammed, N.M. Noor, G. Deák, L. Ahmad Sofri
Exploring the Potential of Agricultural Waste as Natural Resource-Based Adsorbents for Methylene Blue Removal

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.20 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 673-684

N.F.N. Hissham, A.A. Kadir, N.A. Sarani, M.I.H. Hassan, M.F.A. Fadeli, S.N. Mazlan
The Evaluation of Composted Food Waste Effects in Conserving and Enhancing Growth Performance of Azolla Pinnata

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.21 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 685-698

M. Więckowski, L. Wiejaczka, P. Prokop, D.J. Timothy
The Place with the World’s Highest Rainfall as a Tourist Attraction in a Peripheral Area of Northeast India

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.22 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 699-718

N.S. Supian, A. Abdul Kadir, N.S. Mohd Zin, N.F.N. Hissham, N.S. Supian
The Efficacy of Organic Fertilizer and Leaf Mold to Conserve the Health and Growth of Mango Tree (Mangifera Indica)

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.23 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 719-730

S. Wang, I. Sandu, Y. Ivashko, M. Krupa, A. Krukowiecka-Brzęczek, T. Yevdokimova, S. Stavroyany, O. Kravchuk, A.V. Sandu
Methods for the Preservation and Restoration of Dunhuang Wall Paintings: Foreign Experience

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.01.24 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 731-748

Publication date: March 15, 2024

Table of contents: Volume 14, Issue 2, 2024

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02

B. Dighe, M.R. Singh
A Review on Organic Additives Used in Historic Indian Murals

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.01 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 751-774

A. M. Abdelmoniem, N. Mahmoud, M. Abd Elfatah, W.S. Mohamed, A.M. Omar
The Impact of Nanomaters on the Microbial Infection on a Wooden Coffin Covered with a Layer of Black Resin and Coloured Materials

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.02 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 775-784

Y. Ivashko, A. Dmytrenko, O. Molodid, O. Ivashko, Vitaliy Molochko, S. Belinskyi, P. Bigaj
The Destruction of the Established Urban Environment of Borodianka and Irpen as a Result of the Russian-Ukrainian War

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.03 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 785-800

G.K. Fobiri, A. Takyiwaa, C. Frimpong, E.K. Howard, S.M. Ayesu
Dabbing Technique as a Means of Acquiring Images for Hand-screen Printing

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.04 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 801-814

D. Cekus, S. Garus, M. Nabiałek, M. Nadolski, P. Paszta
Effect of Acoustic Waves Caused by Bells on a Stained-Glass Window

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.05 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 815-828

N. Kovtiukh, M. Pabich, V. Molochko, T. Grzelakowski, J. Matuszewska
Questions on the Object’s Authenticity in Ukraine’s Restoration Sector

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.06 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 829-846

L. Conway
Comparing the Efficacy of Select Natural and Synthetic Corrosion Inhibitors on Copper and Iron

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.07 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 847-860

M. Sulayman, Y. Ivashko, S. Afshariazad, A. Dmytrenko, K. Paprzyca, A. Safronova, O. Safronova, T. Yevdokimova
Specific Issues of Conservation and Restoration of Libya Mosques (7th Century – 1815)

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.08 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 861-878

S. Garus, D. Cekus, K. Bloch
Using Optimization Algorithms to Design Phononic Barriers Protecting Monuments or Building Facades

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.09 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 879-892

P. Urbanová, K. Kučíková, S. Klempova, R. Tiňo, V. Gabčová, K. Vizárová
Preservation of Plastic Cultural Heritage. A Review

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.10 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 893-922

A.G. Karakaya, A. Soyluk, E. Özkan Yazgan
Determination of the Applicability of Seismic Control Methods to the Historical Buildings of Elaziğ-Palu District

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.11 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 923-938

R.N. Cardoso, F.N. Corrêa, A.L.O. Chaves, M.T.S. Lutterbach, A.C.M. Ferreira, M.V. de Souza, L.P. da Silva, A.C.A. da Costa
137Cs Gamma Radiation Effect on Fungal Strains on an Artwork by Candido Portinari

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.12 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 939-954

B.M. Walczak, A. Kepczynska-Walczak
Adaptive Re-use of Industrial Heritage in Lodz, Poland

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.13 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 955-966

K. Janicka-Świerguła
Conservation and Restoration Works in the Ballroom of the Officers’ Casino in the Modlin Fortress in Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.14 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 967-978

C.P. Papadatu, D.B. Obreja, I.C. Adam-Papadatu, I.G. Sandu
Graphic Modeling and Equipment used in the Reconstruction of the Original Damascus Steel

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.15 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 979-992

U. Shcheviova, K. Wysznacki, A. Serafin
Preserving Authentic Decoration in the Entrance Spaces of Residential Buildings in Eastern Galicia from the late 19th to the First Third of the 20th Century: Restoration Experience

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.16 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 993-1008

G. Adzan, T.S. Djohan, M.A. Imron
Future Risk and Its Impact on Orangutan Habitat in Katingan-Kahayan Corridor, Central Kalimantan

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.17 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1009-1020

A.F. Azahra, E. Nurjani, A.B. Sekaranom
The Influence of Land Cover on Spatio-Temporal Variation of Air Temperature in Grogol District, Central Java – Indonesia

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.18 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1021-1032

K. Gartsiyanova, S. Genchev
Potential Applications of Water-Energy-Food Nexus Concept Through Preservation and Restoration of a Remarkable Site from Bulgarian Black Sea Coast

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.19 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1033-1046

S. Lata, S. Paul
Diversity, Indigenous Uses and Conservation Status of Plants Used in Socio-Cultural Traditions by Kinnaura Tribes of Himachal Pradesh, India

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.20 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1047-1064

N.A. Oyebamiji, A.Y. Ali, E.A. Ojoko
Utilization Potentials of Endangered Savannah Tree Species in North-West Nigeria

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.21 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1065-1078

R. Fitriadi, Kasprijo, D. Ryandini, R.M. Riady, M. Nurhafid, M. Palupi, P. Sukardi, R. Asaf, A. Musa

Screening of Probiotic Candidates Bacteria as Biocontrol of Aeromonas Hydrophila Pathogen Isolated from Mina Padi Cultivation Area

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.22 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1079-1094

H.B. Santoso, R. Yunita, Krisdianto
Assessing the Health of South Kalimantan Coastal Swamp Wetlands using Measurements of Heavy Metals in Commercial Fish Species

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.23 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1095-1114

A. Jawdhari, I. Sadica, M. Matei, M. Boboc, E. Holban, L. Laslo, D.F. Mihăilescu
Assessment of Conservation Status of Petroleuciscus Borysthenicus Celensis From Gurban River, Romania by Identification of Parasites and Bacteria

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.24 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1115-1128

D.N.D. Camacho, T.L.S. Macías, M.A. Riera, B.J.C. Anchundia
Bioremediation of Soil Samples Contaminated with Crude Oil using Rice Husk-based Biocarbon (Oryza Sativa)

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.02.25 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1129-1144

Publication date: June 15, 2024

Table of contents: Volume 15, Issue 3, 2024

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03

R. Strangis, A. Macchia, B. Gabriele, R. Mancuso, M.F. La Russa
Efficacy of Deep Eutectic Solvents (Dess) for Mitigating Biodeterioration in Cultural Heritage: In Situ Evaluation

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.01 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1147-1164

S. Acun Özgünler, Z.S. Karkaş
An Experimental Study Conducted to Determine the Effectiveness and Durability of Preservation Treatments on Volcanic Tuff Stones

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.02 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1165-1188

C. Melchiorre, M. Spinelli, R. Di Girolamo, I. Rizzi, A. Amoresano, P. Pucci, A. Carpentieri
An Agarose Gel-Based Approach for the Removal of Metallic-Base Ink Stain from the Paper Surfaces of a 17th Century Book

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.03 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1189-1198

O. Shkolna, O. Kovalchuk, N. Sapfirova, N. Revenok, T. Zinenko
The Origins of Ganch Compositions with Oynavand-O’uma in the Interiors of Uzbekistan and Georgia

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.04 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1199-1212

S. Ibragic, A. Alijagic, N. Ljubuskic, L. Avdic, E. Huseinagic, R. Hodzic, J. Ranogajec, S. Vucetic
Multi – Analytic Study of Oriental Manuscripts in Bosnia and Herzegovina Dating from the 15th-18th Century

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.05 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1213-1228

R. Seiseh, Y. Abu Alhassan, A. Hussein Mohamed, N. Farhan Alsoukhni, M. Abed Almashwkhi, W. Al Sekhaneh
Spatial Development Plan of Heritage Building Strategic Investment of Adaptive Reuse in Northern Jordan “Samad Village” Vs Alula in Saudia Arabia

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.06 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1229-1242

P. Pikulski, M. Wójtowicz, R. Zieliński, P. Dolny
Classification of Data Capturing and Building Surveying Techniques in the Context of Selecting the Optimal Method of Creating 3D Bim and Hbim Models of Existing Buildings

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.07 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1243-1258

Z.M. Pawlak, P. Marciniak, I. Wyczałek, M. Żak-Sawiak
Extended Monitoring as Support in Numerical Modelling of Complex Historical Timber Structure

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.08 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1259-1286

V. Glyva, L. Levchenko, N. Burdeina, T. Tkachenko, G. Twardowski, Y. Biruk, S. Zozulia, L. Zozulia
Innovative Means of Normalizing Physical Factors the Environment in the Processes of Reconstruction and Restoration Historical Heritage Objects

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.09 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1287-1302

A.A. Widati, M.Z. Fahmi, S.C.W. Sakti, L. Rizqiyanika, N. Cahyandaru, Z. Rahmawati, T. A. Budiastanti
SiO2-Fatty Acids and Tio-Fatty Acids with the Role of Based Hydrophobic Coatings for the Preservation of Andesite Stone

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.10 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1303-1314

M. Nassar, R. Haddad, A. Muin, T. Odeh
Relief Sculpture of Musical Instruments from Ancient Gerasa: A Comparative Study

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.11 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1315-1326

W. Kocki, M. Dzieńkowski
Architectural Visual Design – Eye-Tracking Analysis of Church Altars: A Case Study

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.12 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1327-1350

V. Zaitseva, A.V. Sandu, V. Smilka, B. Boros, O. Ivashko, T. Kozłowski, Y. Kharaborska, L. Shevchenko
Aspects on Preserving Wall Paintings (Example of Ukraine And China)

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.13 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1351-1370

D. Afroz
Vulnerability of Heritage Sites to Climatic Extreme Events: Khalifatabaad Ancient Mosque

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.14 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1371-1389

O. Molodid, V. Skochko, S. Bogdan, M. Pabich, K. Wysznacki, J. Borowczyk
Certain Aspects of Research Work in the Restoration of the Kyiv Velodrome

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.15 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1389-1406

R. Cieśla
Non-Invasive Forensic Examination of Inscriptions in a Historical Document as an Attempt to Evaluate the Diversity of the Commercial Offer of Inks

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.16 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1407-1424

A. Reyes Pérez, N. Gómez Hernández, T. Espejo Arias
From Rag to Wood Going Through Cereal: Technological Revolution Among the School Maps in the Archives of the University Of Granada (Spain)

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.17 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1425-1434

A.S. Henni Chebra, M. Cheikh-Zouaoui, A. Abdessemed-Foufa
Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of an Historical Unreinforced Masonry Building of the 19th Century: El Feth High School In Blida, Algeria

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.18 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1435-1464

A. Koochakzaei, M. Saidi Mehrabad
A Multi-Analytical Investigation of an Iranian Lithography Book from the Qajar Period

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.19 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1465-1478

G. Deák, I. Sadîca, G. Tudor, M. Matei, E. Holban, S. Matei
Innovative By-Pass Solution for Iron Gates I to Reconnect the Historical Migration Routes of Wild Anadromous Sturgeon Species, in Order to Improve their Conservation Status

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.20 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1479-1488

S.C.L. Cabeza, C.L. Diaz, V. Soto, D. Mejía
Sociocultural Valuation of Ecosystem Services of the Bajo Sinú Marsh Complex in the Department Of Córdoba, Colombia

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.21 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1489-1512

S.R. Ariati, I. Robiansyah, D. Widyatmoko, S.U. Rakhmawati, A.Y. Yuswandi, Harto
Population Study and Reasssessment of Conservation Status of an Endemic Dipterocarp, Hopea Bilitonensis

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.22 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1513-1522

N. Enache, G. Deák, L. Laslo, M. Matei, E. Holban, M. Boboc, A. Harabagiu
Modelling the Impact of Soil and Meteorological Parameters on Carbon Dynamics in Wetland Ecosystems

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.23 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1523-1532

K.M.G. Perez, L.L. Sabino, C. M. Rebancos, J.C.T. Gonzalez, E.R.C. De Chavez, V.C. Cuevas
Local Ecological Knowledge on Land Snail Diversity in Mount Banahaw, Philippines

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.24 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1533-1552

M. Dudkiewicz-Pietrzyk, M. Milecka, W. Durlak
Assessment And Protection of the Cultural Resources of the Nadwieprzański Landscape Park

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.25 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1553-1576

D. Nandi, D. Sing, A. Banik, P.S. Mishra
Assessing Urban Heat Island Impact and Identifying Vulnerability Zones Through Geospatial and Geo-Statistical Techniques

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.26 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1577-1592

R.G. Curca, I. Sandu
Women’s Cultural Heritage in Inscriptions of Moesia Inferior: A Cross Cultural Perspective

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.03.27 [ Full Article – PDF] pp. 1593-1602

Publication date: September 15, 2024

Table of contents: Volume 15, Issue 4, 2024

DOI: 10.36868/IJCS.2024.04

Publication date: December 15, 2024